hello I am going to a french interview tomorrow and the teacher is going to ask me:"do you have a topic that you have prepared that you want to talk about?" in french. and i will say "yes i have. my topic is about my house..."

can someone please tell me how to say "yes i have. my topic is about my house...." in french??

So it is:

"Oui j'en ai. Le sujet que j'ai choisi est a propos de ma maison."
"Oui j'ai choisi un sujet. Je vais parler de ma maison,"

To say "yes i have. my topic is about my house...." in French, you can say:

"Oui, j'en ai. Le sujet que j'ai choisi est à propos de ma maison."
"Oui, j'ai choisi un sujet. Je vais parler de ma maison."

Here's how to break it down:

1. "Yes" can be translated as "Oui" in French.
2. "I have" can be translated as "j'en ai" in this context. This is a combination of the pronoun "j'" (I) and the verb "ai" (have).
3. "My topic" can be translated as "Le sujet que j'ai choisi" in French. Here, "que" means "that" and "j'ai choisi" means "I have chosen."
4. "Is about" can be translated as "est à propos de" in French. This phrase connects the topic to the subject.
5. "My house" can be translated as "ma maison" in French. Here, "ma" means "my" and "maison" means "house".

Feel free to adjust the wording based on your preference. Good luck with your interview!