Is this an adverb phrase?

The tangy scent of barbeque drew us TOWARD THE LITTLE CAFE.


Yes. This is a prepositional phrase used as an adverb.



Yes, "toward the little cafe" is an adverb phrase in this sentence.

To determine if something is an adverb phrase, you need to identify if it modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. In this case, the phrase "toward the little cafe" is modifying the verb "drew," indicating the direction in which the scent of barbeque drew the speaker.

To break it down further:

- "Toward" is the adverb in the phrase, indicating direction.
- "The little cafe" is the object of the preposition "toward," specifying the destination of the movement.

So, in this sentence, the adverb phrase "toward the little cafe" modifies the verb "drew," describing where the scent of barbeque drew the speaker.