what was education like in sydney in the 19th century?

These sites may help you.


(Broken Link Removed)

To understand what education was like in Sydney in the 19th century, you can refer to the following resources:

1. The University of Sydney website provides information on the history of education in Sydney. Visit their website at http://www.edsw.usyd.edu.au/about/history/index.shtml (Please note that this link may have been removed or changed since the time of this response).

2. Conduct a search on the internet using keywords like "education in Sydney in the 19th century" or "history of education in Sydney." This can lead you to articles, books, and other sources that discuss the topic in detail.

By referring to these resources, you can find information on the educational institutions, teaching methods, curriculum, and other aspects of education in Sydney during the 19th century.