I need help unscrambling these math words:


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Thanks Ms. Sue!

To unscramble these math words, the first step is to identify the letters in each word and rearrange them to form a meaningful math term. Let's go through each word:

1. dlrcaai

To unscramble this word, we can see that it has 7 letters. By rearranging the letters, we find that the unscrambled word is "radical."

2. tteiuqon

This word has 8 letters. By rearranging the letters, we can form the word "equation."

3. sigeetnr

With 8 letters, the word "sigeetnr" can be rearranged to form "reignites," which is not a math term. However, let's try another option: the math term "integer."

4. eeianrdmr

This word has 9 letters. By rearranging the letters, we can form the word "remainder," which is a math term.

5. eoiatronp

The last word has 9 letters. By rearranging the letters, the word "eoiatronp" can be unscrambled to form the word "operations," which is a math term.

So the unscrambled math words are:
1. Radical
2. Equation
3. Integer
4. Remainder
5. Operations