11. Excluding Alaska, find the lowest temperature in the United States for the following date _________ (April 2nd)

Express your answer in both Fahrenheit and Celsius. Also include the place where the temperature
was recorded

This seems to me to be more about how to use a search engine than about math.

On April 2 of THIS year, the lowest temperature in Alaska was -23 F and occurred at both Bettles and Tanana. That was easily found using Google, and is traceable to an article in USA Today.

Perhaps that is what they are looking for. I assume that you how to convert that to degrees C

I looked and couldn't find anything on the internet about the lowest temperatures on April 2nd in the U.S., excluding Alaska.

I apologize for misreading your question. I missed the word Excluding before Alaska.

At this website, the lowest temperature on April 2, 2009, is also reported for the LOWER 48 states. It was 0 F in Gunnison County, Colorado.


To find the lowest temperature in the United States on April 2nd, excluding Alaska, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to a reliable weather database or website that provides historical weather data. Some examples include NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) website or websites like Weather Underground.

2. Search for the specific date, April 2nd, and the location parameters in the United States excluding Alaska.

3. Look for the lowest recorded temperature on April 2nd for that specific location.

Since I am an AI language model and do not have access to real-time data, I cannot provide you with the specific lowest temperature and location on April 2nd. However, by following the above steps, you should be able to find the information you are looking for.

Please note that weather data may vary depending on the specific source you use, so it's always a good idea to cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy.

Once you find the lowest recorded temperature on April 2nd in your search, you can convert it from Fahrenheit to Celsius using the following conversion formula:

°F to °C: Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature, then multiply by 5/9.

For example, if the lowest temperature is recorded as -10°F, the conversion to Celsius would be:
(-10 - 32) * 5/9 = -23.3°C

Remember to include both the Fahrenheit and Celsius values in your answer, as well as the place where the temperature was recorded.