How tall in miles would a stack of 4.5 billion pennies be?

To determine the height of a stack of pennies, we need to know the thickness of a penny. A United States penny has a thickness of approximately 0.0598 inches (0.152 centimeters).

Next, we need to convert the height of the stack from inches to miles. There are 5,280 feet in a mile, and 12 inches in a foot, so there are 63,360 inches in a mile.

Now, let's calculate the height of the stack in inches:
Height (in inches) = Number of pennies × Thickness of a penny

Height (in inches) = 4.5 billion × 0.0598 inches

Height (in inches) = 269,100,000 inches

Finally, let's convert the height from inches to miles:
Height (in miles) = Height (in inches) ÷ 63,360 inches/mile

Height (in miles) = 269,100,000 inches ÷ 63,360 inches/mile

Height (in miles) ≈ 4,246.25 miles

Therefore, a stack of 4.5 billion pennies would be approximately 4,246.25 miles tall.

According to Wikipedia, a U.S. penny is 0.061 in. thick.

Multiply: 0.061 * 4,500,000,000 = ?

Then convert those inches into miles.

Note: 12 in. = 1 foot
5,280 feet = 1 mile

51,988.63 repeated