Can someone please proofread and edit this opinion piece I have written?


Ever since the the release of the tragedic play, Romeo and Juliet, the question of "Who is to blame for the two lovers deaths" has come up in the minds of people numerous times. Well, one can say that the Friar Laurence or even the Nurse for the matter, is to blame for they had played parts which resulted in the marriage of Romeo and Juliet, but why not blame the two lovers themselves? Though others actions have contributed to Romeo and Juliet's death, the two lovers are still mainly to blame.

Both, Romeo and Juliet were very hasty in their decisions. They both rushed into marriage, and both rushed into their deaths. One cannot help wonder if they had just taken the time to think about the consequences of their decisions that maybe things may have ended up differently for the two. They did not take the time to even think things through. Proposal the first day, and marriage the next day. The time difference is just so absurd.

The act of being secretive also lead to their downfall. Romeo and Juliet, had not infromed any one of their marriage, and the only two people that knew were the Nurse and Friar Laurence. Later on it is revealed that a man named Balthasar also knew about the marriage. If only the two lovers told more people, or their families to be exact, then the deaths may have not happened. If they had told the families, then maybe the two families could have somehow resolved things due to the marriage. To be more exact that maybe if Tybalt knew, then he probably would not have continued to persue his fight with Romeo, which resulted in the deaths of himself and Mercutio. That event also lead to the banishment of Romeo.

Blame not the other characters, but blame Romeo and Juliet themselves. Their actions lead to their deaths. They chose to be hasty, and they chose to be secretive. I believe those two actions is what really killed them. Not the other characters, or anything else supernatural, but those two actions.

good but rubish

Sure! I can provide some suggestions for proofreading and editing your opinion piece. Here are some potential changes you can consider:

1. Remove repetition: In the first sentence, you have used the word "the" twice ("the the release"). You can revise it to say, "Ever since the release of the tragic play, Romeo and Juliet..."

2. Correct spelling: Instead of "tragedic," use "tragic."

3. Consistency in capitalization: Ensure consistency in capitalization by capitalizing all instances of "Friar Laurence" and "Nurse" throughout the piece.

4. Sentence structure: In the sentence, "Well, one can say that the Friar Laurence or even the Nurse for the matter, is to blame for they had played parts which resulted in the marriage of Romeo and Juliet," consider rephrasing it for clarity. For example, "One could argue that Friar Laurence, and even the Nurse, are partly to blame since they played roles that led to the marriage of Romeo and Juliet."

5. Grammar and flow: "Though others' actions have contributed to Romeo and Juliet's death, the two lovers are primarily to blame." This change improves the sentence's grammar and flow.

6. Use contractions: Instead of "did not," you can use "didn't" to improve the structure of the sentence: "They didn't take the time to even think things through."

7. Clarify pronouns: In the sentence, "Proposal the first day, and marriage the next day," it's unclear who is proposing and getting married. Consider rephrasing it, such as "They proposed on the first day and got married the next day."

8. Word choice: Instead of "lead," use "led" throughout the text.

9. Consistency in verb tense: In the sentence, "If only the two lovers told more people, or their families to be exact, then the deaths may have not happened," you can improve clarity by maintaining consistent verb tense: "If only the two lovers had told more people, or their families to be exact, then the deaths might not have happened."

10. Add transitions: Include a transition at the beginning of the second-to-last paragraph to improve the flow. For example, "Furthermore, their decision to be secretive..."

11. Reiteration: In the concluding paragraph, consider rephrasing or providing examples to support your claim that Romeo and Juliet's actions ultimately caused their deaths. For instance, "Their rushed decisions and secrecy prevented others from intervening or finding alternative resolutions. It was these actions that sealed their tragic fate, rather than the influence of other characters or supernatural forces."

Remember, these recommendations are suggestions, and you can make further changes based on your personal style and preference.