sorry i put my question in the wrong place. ok my question is can you tell me if i did this correctly. my experiment was about how can you tell if the person is lying by his body language. will my independent variable be when i interview a person on a dim light while i interview others on a normal light. then my dependent variable will be what happen or what change on the answers of all that was interviewed. the controlled variable willbe the questions to each person will be the same. is this right? because this is how i understand it. please help i really need the answer badly! thanks for all your help !!!!!

If I understand what you are saying, here is what you are looking for.

Since the independent variable is what you manipulate (change) or control, it would be the light everyone is exposed to. There can only be one independent variable at a time. You could do 3 different experiments: bright light, average light, dim light (for example.)

The dependent variable depends upon the independent variable and will be what you observe and measure. In other words, it would be the response (how the body language changes) you get. You might get more than one dependent variable.


No problem! I'm here to help. Based on your description, it seems like you have a good understanding of the different variables in your experiment. Let me break it down for you:

- Independent variable: This is the variable that you manipulate or control in your experiment. In your case, it would be the lighting condition during the interviews. So, having a dim light for some interviews and a normal light for others would be a good way to vary the independent variable.

- Dependent variable: This is the variable that you measure or observe to see if it changes as a result of manipulating the independent variable. In your case, it would be the answers or responses given by the interviewees. You would compare the answers from the interviews conducted under dim light to those conducted under normal light to see if there are any noticeable differences.

- Controlled variables: These are the variables that you keep constant or the same across all conditions in your experiment. In your case, it would be the questions you ask each person. By using the same set of questions for all interviews, you are ensuring that this variable does not influence the results of your study.

Overall, your understanding of the variables in your experiment seems correct. Just make sure to carefully plan and conduct your interviews, and analyze the responses to determine if the lighting condition had any impact on the accuracy of detecting lies based on body language. Good luck with your project!