Just a quick question I need to have checked-

1.Choose the run-on sentence
A.If you start saving now, you will be able to buy a car sooner
B.A worn yellow quilt was laying at the foot of the bed, a gift from her grandmother
C.His helmet bore the number of the firehouse,which was more than 100 years old.
D.There were only a few dancers on the floor,the couple soon became the center of attention.



Thanks (:


To determine the run-on sentence, you need to identify if there are two or more independent clauses that are not properly connected. An independent clause is a group of words that can stand alone as a complete sentence.

Let's analyze the given options:

A. "If you start saving now, you will be able to buy a car sooner." - This sentence has one independent clause and is grammatically correct.

B. "A worn yellow quilt was laying at the foot of the bed, a gift from her grandmother." - This sentence also has one independent clause and is grammatically correct.

C. "His helmet bore the number of the firehouse, which was more than 100 years old." - This sentence has two independent clauses, but they are separated by a comma followed by the pronoun "which," which creates a dependent clause. Therefore, it is not a run-on sentence.

D. "There were only a few dancers on the floor, the couple soon became the center of attention." - This sentence has two independent clauses, "There were only a few dancers on the floor" and "the couple soon became the center of attention." These independent clauses are not properly connected, making this option the run-on sentence.

So, B is not a run-on sentence. The correct answer is D.