which of the following correlation demonstrate a casual relationship?

1 the distance student live from school and the time it takes each to walk there.

2 the amount of money received for allowance and the number of DVD's purchased.

3 the number of hours spend studying and the grades received on exams.

4 high school students' ages and the number of hours they sleep.

is the answer 3???

what is wrong with 1?

so is it 1?

If your question is about CAUSAL relationship, not CASUAL relationship, 1 is the correct answer.

There's very little correlation between the number of hours spent studying and the grades received on exams.

To determine if a correlation demonstrates a causal relationship, it is important to understand the nature of the correlation and the possibility of other variables at play.

1. The distance students live from school and the time it takes each to walk there: This correlation does not imply a causal relationship. While it is likely that longer distances take more time to walk, other factors such as walking speed or traffic conditions could influence this correlation.

2. The amount of money received for allowance and the number of DVDs purchased: This correlation does not imply a causal relationship. It is possible that receiving more money allows for more DVD purchases, but there may be other factors involved, such as individual preferences, availability of DVDs, or other sources of income.

3. The number of hours spent studying and the grades received on exams: This correlation could potentially demonstrate a causal relationship. If students spend more time studying, it is possible they will perform better on exams. However, it is important to consider other factors that could influence grades, such as intelligence, prior knowledge, or study techniques.

4. High school students' ages and the number of hours they sleep: This correlation does not imply a causal relationship. While it might seem that older students sleep fewer hours, there could be other variables at play, such as differences in daily activity levels, responsibilities, or individual sleep preferences.

Considering these explanations, the correct answer in this case would be 3, as the correlation between the number of hours spent studying and the grades received on exams has the potential to demonstrate a causal relationship. However, it is important to note that further research and analysis would be necessary to determine the true causality.