how did men become masters

They're not.

Please clarify your question.

If you are asking how did men come to dominate women in most societies, it probably started in ancient times because of sheer muscle power, but that is just a guess.

Is that what you were asking?

The concept of men becoming masters can be interpreted in various contexts, such as becoming skilled experts or achieving positions of power or dominance. To explain how men become masters, let's consider a few angles:

1. Skill Mastery:
To become a master in a particular skill, men (or anyone, regardless of gender) typically go through a process of continuous learning, practice, and refinement. Steps to skill mastery may include:
a. Identify the skill: Men decide which area they want to become masters in, such as art, music, sports, or a profession.
b. Acquire knowledge: They gather information, study, and learn from various sources, including books, mentors, teachers, or online resources.
c. Practice consistently: Regular and focused practice helps to develop and refine the required skills associated with the chosen field.
d. Seek feedback: Constructive criticism and feedback from peers, mentors, or experts help refine skills further.
e. Embrace lifelong learning: Mastery is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing process of constant improvement.

2. Leadership and Power:
In some contexts, becoming a master refers to achieving positions of power, authority, or leadership. This may involve several factors:
a. Education and qualifications: Men often pursue higher education, professional certifications, or specialized training to gain the knowledge and credentials needed for leadership roles.
b. Experience and expertise: Building a solid foundation of experience and expertise in a specific field can make men more eligible for leadership positions.
c. Networking and connections: Creating and nurturing professional relationships and networks can open doors to opportunities and increase visibility in the career domain.
d. Building a reputation: Demonstrating excellence, integrity, and exceptional skills can contribute to gaining recognition and respect, leading to higher positions of authority and influence.

It's important to note that the concept of mastery is not limited to men alone, but applies equally to individuals of all genders who put in the effort to excel in their chosen fields.