[Note: Not y912f, just MC]

We do not delete legitimate posts.

MC... I posted this below, but I wasn't sure that you would see it.

MC - Active Voice... the subject ->does something (verb) to an object ( Direct object.

Joe -> hit -> ball. The action flows from to subject to something.

Passive voice - The subject <- receives the action (verb)
The ball <- was hit. CLUE : there is always a being verb + the main verb.

Active means someone is doing something to something.
Passive means that the VERB is doing all the work.

If you have, to act it out... that is what I had my classes do. <G>

Thanks guru!!


To delete all posts by MysteryChicken today, you would typically need to have administrative rights or privileges on the platform where the posts were made. The specific steps to delete the posts can vary depending on the platform, but I can provide some general guidance.

1. Identify the platform: Determine the website or social media platform where the posts were made. For example, if the posts were made on a forum, a blogging platform, or a social media site like Twitter or Facebook.

2. Access administrative privileges: Sign in to your account with administrative privileges on that platform. Usually, this involves having an administrator or moderator role assigned to your account.

3. Locate the posts: Navigate to the section, page, or profile specifically dedicated to displaying posts made by MysteryChicken. Depending on the platform, you may need to search for a specific username or use filters to find the relevant posts.

4. Delete the posts: Select the posts you want to delete and look for the delete or remove option, often indicated by a trash bin or some other delete symbol. Click on this option to delete the selected posts.

5. Confirm deletion: Some platforms may require you to confirm your decision to delete the posts. Make sure to follow any additional prompts or steps presented to complete the deletion process.

Please note that the specific steps may vary depending on the platform or website, so it's important to refer to the platform's documentation or help resources for more detailed instructions if needed.