I need help with a few of these questions:

1.Which of the following waves are mechanical waves?
A.light waves
C.radio waves
D.sound waves
I think it's D?

2.Which gives the frequency of the wave in terms of its peaks?
A.the height of the tallest peaks
B.the number of peaks per meter
C.the number of peaks passing a point per second
D.the height of the peaks divided by the width of the crest
I think it's C

3.Which travels at the greatest speed?
A.sound through air
B.light through glass
C.sound through water
D.light through a vacuum
I think this one might be D...?


These look ok to me.

Your answers for the questions are correct:

1. Sound waves are mechanical waves because they require a medium (such as air, water, or solid) to travel through. So, the correct answer is D.

2. The frequency of a wave is the number of peaks passing a point per second. So, the correct answer is C.

3. Light travels at the greatest speed through a vacuum. In a vacuum, light waves are able to travel at their maximum speed, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second. So, the correct answer is D.

Well done! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Let's go through each question step by step:

1. To determine which of the waves are mechanical waves, we need to understand what mechanical waves are. Mechanical waves are waves that require a medium to travel through, such as air, water, or solids. Examples of mechanical waves include sound waves and water waves.

Looking at the given options, we can eliminate A, B, and C because they are all examples of electromagnetic waves, which do not require a medium and can travel through a vacuum. Therefore, the correct answer is D, sound waves.

2. The question asks for the frequency of the wave in terms of its peaks. To find the answer, we need to understand what frequency means. Frequency refers to the number of complete cycles or oscillations a wave makes in a unit of time. It is usually measured in hertz (Hz), which represents the number of cycles per second.

Option A refers to the height of the tallest peaks, which is not related to frequency. Option B, the number of peaks per meter, is also incorrect as it refers to the wavelength of the wave, not its frequency. Option D, the height of the peaks divided by the width of the crest, is unrelated to frequency as well.

The correct answer is option C, the number of peaks passing a point per second, as this represents the frequency of the wave.

3. To determine which travels at the greatest speed, we need to compare the speeds of sound and light waves in different mediums.

Sound waves travel through air, water, and solids, while light waves can travel through air, water, glass, and even a vacuum. The speed of sound varies depending on the medium, and it is generally slower than the speed of light.

Comparing the given options, we can eliminate A (sound through air) and C (sound through water) as they are slower than light through a vacuum.

The correct answer is option D, light through a vacuum, which is the fastest possible speed for any wave.

So, the correct answers are:
1. D - sound waves
2. C - the number of peaks passing a point per second
3. D - light through a vacuum

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

ok umm this isn't an answer but I just wanted to say this site has helped me SOOOOO much. 100,000,000 Thx to the runner of the site. you've made my school life much easier/