I need help in understanding these operations factor by grouping 8x^3-56^2-5x+35

Is the second term supposed to be 56x^2? If so, then use the following as an example to factor by grouping

x^3 - 3x^2 + 2x - 6
= (x^3 - 3x^2) + (2x - 6). Now factor out the common factors from each group such as x^2(x - 3) + 2(x - 3). That can be rewritten as (x-3)*(x^2 + 2)

In your case,
8x^3-56^2-5x+35 = 8x^2(x-7)-5(x-7)
= (8x^2-5)(x-7)

The roots are x=7 and x = +/-sqrt(5/8)

This cubic equation was "set up" to work. In by far most cases, with random integer coefficients, it doesn't.

To factor the expression 8x^3 - 56x^2 - 5x + 35 by grouping, follow these steps:

Step 1: Group the terms in pairs.
Group the first two terms, 8x^3 and -56x^2, together, and the last two terms, -5x and 35, together.

(8x^3 - 56x^2) - (5x - 35)

Step 2: Factor out the greatest common factor from each group.
In the first group, both terms have a common factor of 8x^2. When you factor it out, you get:

8x^2(x - 7)

In the second group, both terms have a common factor of -5. When you factor it out, you get:

-5(x - 7)

Now the expression becomes:

8x^2(x - 7) - 5(x - 7)

Step 3: Factor out the common binomial.
Notice that both terms now have a common factor of (x - 7). Factor it out, and you get:

(x - 7)(8x^2 - 5)

Finally, the fully factored expression is:

(x - 7)(8x^2 - 5)

That's it! You have successfully factored the expression by grouping.