At a low pressure and a high temperature, what state of a substance is most likely to exist?




It depends on what you mean as high, but if it is high enough, gas is likely.

Thank you.

At a low pressure and a high temperature, the most likely state of a substance to exist is a gas.

To understand why, we need to consider the properties of the different states of matter. In a gas, the particles have a lot of kinetic energy and are free to move around independently. They have enough energy to overcome the attractive forces between them, resulting in a random, disorganized arrangement of particles.

At high temperatures, the average kinetic energy of particles increases, causing them to move faster. Additionally, at low pressures, there is less force pushing the particles together. As a result, the gas particles can move more freely and occupy a larger volume.

In contrast, liquids and solids have stronger intermolecular forces that hold their particles closer together. These forces make it more difficult for the particles to move away from each other, even at high temperatures. Therefore, under low pressure and high temperature conditions, it is more likely for a substance to exist in the gas state.