What are the adverbs in the sentence.

Long trips aboard these ships seemed highly improbable then.

Which two adverbs do you find?

these, highly, improbable and then

You're half right. :-)

The adverbs are "highly" which modifies the adjective "improbable," and "then," which modifies the verb, "seemed."

The other two are adjectives: "these" modifies "ships," and "improbable" modifies "trips."

Thank you

You're welcome.

To find the adverbs in the sentence, we need to identify words that describe how an action is done, or modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

In the given sentence, we have two adverbs:

1. Highly - modifies the adjective "improbable", describing to what extent the trips seemed improbable.
2. Then - modifies the entire sentence, indicating the time when the trips seemed improbable.

To identify adverbs in a sentence, you should look for words that answer questions such as how, when, where, why, or to what extent.