choose two or three Eastern philosophies and describe how they compare. Take sides, determine which philosophies are most persuasive, and explain why.

Let us know what you decide. After you write up your analysis and explanation, please repost, and someone here will be happy to critique your thinking.


After you chosen the philosophies and researched them, please post your findings here. We'll be glad to comment on them.

I have chosen to use Buddha. Buddha answers the problem of suffering in the Four Noble Truths. According to Buddha the most immediate cause of human suffering is ignorance, which closes the door to enlightenment. The person who is ruled by desires cannot be happy in an ever-changing world, because what happens is beyond's ones control. He addressing the Eightfold Path, which is design to show how to over suffering.

Great choice! Buddhism is indeed one of the Eastern philosophies that provides insights on the problem of suffering. Now let's take a look at another philosophy, Taoism, and compare the two.

Taoism, also known as Daoism, focuses on living in harmony with the Tao, which can be interpreted as the natural way or universal order. According to Taoism, suffering arises from going against the natural flow of life and trying to control or manipulate it. Instead, adherents of Taoism seek to achieve the state of wu wei, which means effortless action or non-action. By surrendering to the natural course of events and living in accordance with the Tao, one can find contentment and peace.

Comparing Buddhism and Taoism, we can identify some similarities and differences. Both philosophies acknowledge the existence of suffering as an inherent part of life, but they approach it from different angles. While Buddhism sees ignorance and desire as the main causes of suffering, Taoism sees it as a result of resisting the natural order.

In terms of practices, Buddhism advocates for the cultivation of mindfulness, meditation, and the Eightfold Path to overcome suffering. Taoism, on the other hand, emphasizes spontaneity, simplicity, and aligning oneself with the flow of nature. Taoist practices often involve meditation, breathing techniques, and the observation of natural cycles.

Now, when it comes to determining which philosophy is most persuasive, it is essential to consider personal beliefs, values, and experiences. Different individuals may find different philosophies more compelling based on their own perspectives.

Some may resonate more with Buddhism's systematic approach to understanding suffering and the practical steps provided by the Eightfold Path. Others may find Taoism's emphasis on natural harmony and the idea of letting go and accepting the flow of life more appealing.

Ultimately, the choice between the two philosophies, or any other Eastern philosophies for that matter, is subjective and depends on individual preferences. It is crucial to explore and learn more about each philosophy, considering their teachings, practices, and underlying principles, to determine which resonates more with your own understanding and worldview.