what is the maximum possible nuber of intersection beetween an equalateral triangl and a circle in the same plne?

If you're serious about getting an accurate answer to your question, then you'll be serious about posting an accurate question.

You have six misspelled words and lack a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence.

Draw it out.

Draw an equilateral triangle, then place an circle inside of it such that the circle just touches each side. Then draw another circle slightly larger than the first.

To find the maximum possible number of intersections between an equilateral triangle and a circle in the same plane, we need to understand the relationship between the two shapes.

First, let's consider the possible scenarios:

1. The circle is completely outside the triangle.
2. The circle touches one of the triangle's vertices.
3. The circle intersects one of the triangle's sides.
4. The circle intersects two of the triangle's sides.
5. The circle intersects all three sides of the triangle.

Now, let's analyze each scenario:

1. If the circle is completely outside the triangle, there are no intersections.

2. If the circle touches one of the triangle's vertices, it will intersect the opposite side of the triangle at one point. This results in a total of one intersection.

3. If the circle intersects one of the triangle's sides, there will be two intersections. One intersection point will be where the circle enters the triangle, and the other point will be where it exits.

4. If the circle intersects two of the triangle's sides, it will have a minimum of four intersections. Each intersection represents an entry and exit point on the respective sides.

5. If the circle intersects all three sides of the triangle, it will result in a total of six intersections. Each of the three sides will have two intersection points, representing entry and exit.

Therefore, the maximum possible number of intersections between an equilateral triangle and a circle in the same plane is six.