I have to fill in the gap with an adjective and i am really stuck on these questions:

1)Es........asomarse a la ventanilla
2)Carmen está...... le duele la cabeza
3) En la mano ......... llevo dinero, y en la no llevo nada.
4)Qué olor! El pescado no esta

Pleas help thanks

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. BUT where is YOUR work? Use a good dictionary so you can translate each sentence carefully and then it will be much more obvious what adjective you can use. After you give it an honest effort, we will be glad to proofread it for you. #3 appears to be incomplete. It is no doubt "left" and "right."

To find the missing adjective for each sentence, you can try the following steps:

1) "Es........asomarse a la ventanilla": One way to find the missing adjective is to understand the meaning of the sentence. In this case, the sentence talks about "peeking out of the window." Now, you can look up adjectives related to this action. For example, "fácil" (easy) or "emocionante" (exciting) could be potential options.
2) "Carmen está...... le duele la cabeza": Again, understanding the meaning of the sentence is crucial. Here, the sentence says "Carmen is... her head hurts." Based on this, you can think of adjectives that describe Carmen's state when her head hurts. For example, "incómoda" (uncomfortable) or "dolorida" (painful) could be possible choices.
3) "En la mano ......... llevo dinero, y en la no llevo nada": As mentioned earlier, this sentence seems to be incomplete. However, if you assume that the missing word is "izquierda" (left), then the sentence would mean "In the hand on the left, I have money, and in the right hand, I have nothing." So, the missing adjective would be "izquierda."
4) "Qué olor! El pescado no está........": In this sentence, you need to find an adjective that describes the state of the fish. For instance, if the fish has a bad smell, you could use adjectives such as "mal" (bad) or "podrido" (rotten).

Remember, it's important to consult a Spanish dictionary or reliable online resources for more accurate translations and the appropriate usage of adjectives.