Please help edit this paragraph.

We girls sent invitations to our relatives. Practically everyone came! Aunt Amanda and Uncle Mike helped a lot. Of all our relatives, my favorites are they.

I think you change they to them, but I am not sure. My other options are changing they to

A. him and her
B.her and he
C. no change

You would use "them" if that word were a direct object or object of a preposition. But it is neither.

So D is out. What else do you think?

Then I would go with no change. Correct? Thanks.

Frankly, I would change the wording around:

"Of all of our relatives, they are my favorites."

The only other correct choice is B, but that sounds terrible, too.

C. no change would also work.

But, I agree, that is terrible wording.

thank you.

To determine the correct pronoun to use in place of "they," we need to identify the antecedent, which is the word that the pronoun refers to. In this case, the antecedent is "Aunt Amanda and Uncle Mike," which is a plural noun phrase.

The correct pronoun to use is "them" (option D), as it is the objective form of the pronoun that refers to multiple people. "Him" and "her" are singular pronouns, so they cannot be used to refer to multiple people.

Therefore, the revised paragraph would be:

"We girls sent invitations to our relatives. Practically everyone came! Aunt Amanda and Uncle Mike helped a lot. Of all our relatives, my favorites are them."