My Recipe for Making Vegetable Soup

Ingredients:a radish, a carrot, a head of cabbage, an eggplant, many leeks, many mushrooms

1. Wash cabbage, an eggplant, leeks, and mushrooms in city water(or tap water) in a big container.

2. Drain them in a colander.

3. Wash the radish, carrot, and eggplant as well.

4. Slice them with a knife on a cutting board.

5. Mix them in a pot.

6. Put the pot on a gas stove.

7. Add hot pepper powder and sesame seeds to the pot.

8. Boil it for some time, and then simmer it for 30 minutes.

9. You can enjoy the vegetable soup.

(Thank you. I changed some expressions and posted the passage again. Would you check the expressions and correct any errors?)


I'd use "tap water" -- the phrase means it comes out of the kitchen faucet from the city supply.

Nice job!


Your expressions are mostly correct, just a few small changes are needed. Here's the corrected version:

Ingredients: a radish, a carrot, a head of cabbage, an eggplant, many leeks, and many mushrooms.

1. Wash the cabbage, eggplant, leeks, and mushrooms in tap water in a large container.
2. Drain them in a colander.
3. Wash the radish, carrot, and eggplant as well.
4. Slice them with a knife on a cutting board.
5. Mix all the sliced vegetables in a pot.
6. Place the pot on a gas stove.
7. Add hot pepper powder and sesame seeds to the pot.
8. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat to simmer for 30 minutes.
9. Your vegetable soup is now ready to be enjoyed.

Please note that the cooking times and amounts of seasonings can vary based on personal preference, so feel free to adjust them according to your taste.