what state is 3 times older than Alaska

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Alaska became a state in Jan 1959, so how old is it now. Multiply that by 3 and look for a state that fits.

Scroll down to the chart that lists states in alpha order and gives the date of statehood in one of the columns.

To determine which state is three times older than Alaska, we need to find the age of Alaska and then calculate the state that is three times older.

1. Find the age of Alaska:
- Alaska became a state on January 3, 1959.
- Calculate the current year: For example, if the current year is 2022, subtract 1959 from 2022 to get the number of years since Alaska became a state.

2. Calculate three times the age of Alaska:
- Multiply the age of Alaska by 3 to determine the age of the state that is three times older.

3. Identify the state that matches the calculated age:
- Compare the age of Alaska multiplied by 3 to the ages of other states to find the state that matches.

Please note that the process described above requires updating the current year and the age of Alaska accordingly.