Is a news story about residents of a town facing a horrible snowstorm be considered a soft news story or hard news pretty sure its a soft news story and if it is what would some examples of hard news stories be?

yeh thanks but would the 1 i said above be hard or soft?

Yes, it would be soft news.

Determining whether a news story is considered soft or hard news depends on various factors. Typically, hard news stories focus on significant events that directly affect individuals, communities, or society as a whole. They often deal with topics such as politics, economics, crime, or public policy. On the other hand, soft news stories are typically more human-interest focused, covering lighter topics or events that entertain or inform without being urgent or impactful.

In the case of a news story about residents facing a horrible snowstorm, it is likely to be classified as a hard news story. The reason is that extreme weather events such as snowstorms can have significant consequences on the affected community, including road closures, power outages, public safety concerns, and human impacts. The story covers a substantial event that directly affects the lives and well-being of the town's residents, making it important and timely news.

Examples of other hard news stories could include:

1. Political Elections: Coverage of elections, campaigns, and their implications.
2. Natural Disasters: Reporting on hurricanes, earthquakes, or wildfires, and their consequences.
3. War and Conflict: Reporting on international conflicts, terrorism, or military actions.
4. Economic News: Coverage of stock market fluctuations, unemployment rates, or major financial crises.
5. Public Health Emergencies: Reporting on outbreaks, pandemics, or vaccination campaigns.
6. Criminal Investigations: Coverage of high-profile crimes, trials, or investigations.

These examples illustrate stories that are considered hard news due to their immediate impact, significance, and public interest.