1 – One of the reasons that the U.S. Government started the Federal Reserve system was to:

A – keep the banking power of the U.S. spread out among various districts.
B – make sure that the U.S. banks were obeying laws regarding banking.
C – have a place for banks to deposit excess deposits.
D – provide consumers with access to funds for business expansion.

Is it D?

I don't think so. I think B (but I am not super confident).

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve

No, it is not D. The correct answer is actually A. One of the reasons that the U.S. Government started the Federal Reserve system was to keep the banking power of the U.S. spread out among various districts.

To determine the correct answer, let's go through the options and see which one matches the given reason for the establishment of the Federal Reserve system.

A - This option suggests that the Federal Reserve system was created to keep the banking power of the U.S. spread out among various districts. While this may be a possible justification for the establishment of the Federal Reserve, it is not specifically mentioned as a reason in the question.

B - This option suggests that the Federal Reserve system was created to ensure that U.S. banks were obeying laws regarding banking. While oversight and regulation of banks are important functions of the Federal Reserve, it does not directly address the purpose of the Federal Reserve mentioned in the question.

C - This option suggests that the Federal Reserve system was created as a place for banks to deposit excess deposits. While the Federal Reserve does accept deposits from banks, this reason does not fully encompass the purpose mentioned in the question.

D - This option suggests that the Federal Reserve system was created to provide consumers with access to funds for business expansion. This reason matches the purpose mentioned in the question.

Therefore, based on the options provided, it is reasonable to conclude that the correct answer is D - to provide consumers with access to funds for business expansion.