4. Compare the population per square mile in Asia to the population per square mile

in North America for the year 2000.

Land Area (1,000 mi2) -17,400
Percent of Earth 30.1%
Population in 1900 - 932,000,000 Population in 1950 - 1,591,000,000
Population in 2000 - 4,028,000,000

How would I go about figureing this out?

You have been given some data than you do not need to calculate the population density of Asia in 2000. Just divide the 4,028,000,000 population by the area of (17,400 x 1000) mile^2. For the North American population density, you will need to do some additional research to get the data you need. Central America as far south as Panama is usually considered part of North America.

So would the answer be 231.49 miles?
I am still confused if it is not correct.

To calculate the population density in Asia, you need to divide the population (4,028,000,000) by the land area (17,400 x 1000) in square miles.

Population density in Asia = Population / Land Area
= 4,028,000,000 / (17,400,000)
≈ 231.49 people per square mile

This means that in Asia in the year 2000, there were approximately 231.49 people per square mile.

To compare the population density in North America, you would need the population and land area data specifically for North America. Unfortunately, the information you have provided does not include the data for North America. You will need to find the population and land area of North America and then perform the same calculation to find the population density in North America for the year 2000.

To calculate the population per square mile in Asia for the year 2000, you need to divide the population (4,028,000,000) by the land area (17,400,000 square miles).

Population density in Asia = 4,028,000,000 / 17,400,000 = 231.49 people per square mile

Now, to compare this with the population per square mile in North America for the year 2000, you would need to find the population and land area of North America for that year. In the given information, only the population for Asia is provided.

So, to obtain the population per square mile in North America, you will have to gather additional data regarding the population and land area of North America during the year 2000. Once you have that information, you can use the same calculation as above to determine the population density for North America.