I need help on these three questions BEFORE 10:00 PM. Please someone show me how to do them step by step!

Solve the equation for y in terms of x
then find the solutions of the equation for the given values of x.

1.x + y = -1 [values of x: 3, 1, -2]

2.x+ 4y = 20 [values of x: 4, -8, 0]

3.-x - 2y= 8 [values of x: -6, -2, 10]

Thanks a MILLION!!

i don't know if i did this correct but this is whut i got for number 1

x + y = -1 [values of x: 3, 1, -2]
3+y= -1

for the value of 3 y=-4
value of 1 y=-2
value of -2 y=1

Thanks Sarah


Of course! I'll be happy to help you solve these equations step by step.

1. Let's solve the equation x + y = -1 for y in terms of x:
- First, we can isolate the variable y by subtracting x from both sides of the equation:
x + y - x = -1 - x
This simplifies to y = -1 - x.

Now, we will substitute the given values of x into the equation to find the solutions for y:
For x = 3:
y = -1 - (3) = -4
So the solution for x = 3 is y = -4.
For x = 1:
y = -1 - (1) = -2
So the solution for x = 1 is y = -2.
For x = -2:
y = -1 - (-2) = 1
So the solution for x = -2 is y = 1.

2. Let's solve the equation x + 4y = 20 for y in terms of x:
- Similar to the previous equation, we need to isolate the variable y. Let's subtract x from both sides:
x + 4y - x = 20 - x
This simplifies to 4y = 20 - x.

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for y:
4y/4 = (20 - x)/4
y = (20 - x)/4
Simplifying further, y = 5 - (1/4)x.

Now, let's find the solutions for y by substituting the given values of x:
For x = 4:
y = 5 - (1/4)(4) = 4
So the solution for x = 4 is y = 4.
For x = -8:
y = 5 - (1/4)(-8) = 7
So the solution for x = -8 is y = 7.
For x = 0:
y = 5 - (1/4)(0) = 5
So the solution for x = 0 is y = 5.

3. Let's solve the equation -x - 2y = 8 for y in terms of x:
- Start by isolating the variable y. To do that, we'll divide both sides of the equation by -2:
(-x - 2y)/(-2) = 8/(-2)
Simplifying this gives y = -4 - (1/2)x.

Now, let's find the solutions for y by substituting the given values of x:
For x = -6:
y = -4 - (1/2)(-6) = -1
So the solution for x = -6 is y = -1.
For x = -2:
y = -4 - (1/2)(-2) = -3
So the solution for x = -2 is y = -3.
For x = 10:
y = -4 - (1/2)(10) = -9
So the solution for x = 10 is y = -9.

I hope this helps you solve these equations! Let me know if you have any other questions.