how do i say:

At 4:00 my brother and I go out to play tennis?

A las cuatro mi hermano y yo (?) ... jugar tenis

please help!

salir= to go out

would this sentense be correct?

a las cuatro mi hermano y yo salir jugar tenis

You MUST conjugate the infinitive "salir" because it only means "to go out."

salimos a jugar al tenis


To say "At 4:00 my brother and I go out to play tennis" in Spanish, you can say:

"A las cuatro mi hermano y yo salimos a jugar tenis."

Here's how to break down the sentence:

1. "At 4:00" can be translated as "A las cuatro".

2. "My brother and I" can be translated as "mi hermano y yo".

3. "Go out" can be translated as "salimos", which is the first person plural form of the verb "salir" (to go out).

4. "To play tennis" can be translated as "a jugar tenis".

So, by combining these elements, you get the sentence "A las cuatro mi hermano y yo salimos a jugar tenis."