I want absolute, cosmic power. Can anyone point me in the direction of some useful resources?

6 ways:

1) Avoid becoming a teacher.

2) Watch "Pinky and the Brain." Form your own plan to take over the world.

3) Freeze yourself for several million years. Wake up when humanity figured out how to have it and take part.

4) Don't try to take over Russia. Napolean and Hitler tried it. Never worked out. Play Risk if you don't believe me. And thanks to comedian Eddie Izzard for that tip. I will remember it in my conquest for world domination.

5) Drink milk! Lots of it.

6) Think of a funnier list than what I posted.

While the idea of having absolute, cosmic power may seem tempting, it is important to recognize that such power does not exist in reality. However, if you are interested in gaining knowledge or understanding in a particular field, there are several useful resources available. Here are a few suggestions to get started:

1) Books: Look for books related to the subject you are interested in. Visit your local library or bookstore, or search online for book recommendations and reviews.

2) Online Courses and Tutorials: Many websites offer online courses and tutorials on a wide range of topics. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy provide access to various educational materials.

3) Academic Journals and Research Papers: If you are looking for in-depth information on a specific subject, academic journals and research papers are valuable resources. Online databases such as JSTOR or Google Scholar can help you find relevant articles.

4) Forums and Discussion Boards: Engage in online communities related to your area of interest. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and learn from others who share their knowledge and experiences.

5) Podcasts and Videos: Podcasts and video platforms like YouTube offer a vast array of educational content. Look for reputable channels and podcasts that cover your desired topic.

6) Professional Networks and Conferences: Attend conferences, workshops, or lectures related to your field of interest. Interacting with professionals and networking with like-minded individuals can provide valuable insights and opportunities for collaboration.

Remember, learning is a lifelong process, and the key to gaining knowledge is to approach it with curiosity, dedication, and a willingness to explore different resources and perspectives.