how do you multiply 4y squared and 4x squared?

could it be 16 (xy)^2

4*4= 16

answer= 16(xy)^2


(4y^2)(4x^2) = 16x^2y^2

To multiply 4y squared and 4x squared, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the coefficients (numbers in front) of the terms. In this case, multiply 4 and 4, which gives you 16.

Step 2: Multiply the variables (letters with exponents) together. In this case, multiply y squared and x squared.

To multiply y squared and x squared, you need to remember the rule for multiplying exponents. When you multiply variables with the same base, you add the exponents. So y squared times x squared would be y squared plus squared, which simplifies to y squared plus 2.

Step 3: Put the result from Step 1 together with the result from Step 2. The final answer is 16y squared x squared, or simply 16y squared x squared.

So, the product of 4y squared and 4x squared is 16y squared x squared.