I've answered these two questions and need someone to check them for me:

1.Describe two characterisitics that light and sound have in common.
Ans- They both transfer energy [and I need help thinking of a second one]

2.Describe two ways in which light and sound are different
Ans- Light is an electromagnetic wave and it travels faster through empty space; sound is a mechanical wave and it travels faster through dense matter.




1. An important similarity is that both have wavelike properties: a 'travelling' oscillation, with frequency, wavelength and a fixed wave speed.

2. An important difference is that light is a transverse wave and sound is a longitudinal wave (with motion back and forth along the direction of wave propagation). See http://www.kettering.edu/~drussell/Demos/waves/wavemotion.html
to see a video of the difference. With light, the transverse variation involves electric and magnetic fields, not particle motion.



Great job on the first question! Here's some help with the second one:

1. Light and sound have different mediums of propagation: Light can travel through a vacuum, such as empty space, while sound requires a medium, such as air, water, or any other substance for transmission.

To find this answer, you'll need to understand the basic properties of light and sound waves. Light is an electromagnetic wave, which means it consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. It does not rely on any physical medium for its propagation and can travel through a vacuum at a remarkable speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second (or 186,282 miles per second). On the other hand, sound is a mechanical wave that requires a medium to propagate. It travels as compressions and rarefactions of particles in a substance, such as air or water. Sound travels much slower than light, typically at speeds around 343 meters per second (or 767 miles per hour) in dry air at room temperature.

2. Light and sound waves have different frequency ranges and wavelengths: Light waves have much higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths compared to sound waves, which typically have lower frequencies and longer wavelengths.

To tackle this question, you'll need to understand the concept of frequency and wavelength. Frequency refers to the number of oscillations or cycles a wave completes per unit of time, usually measured in hertz (Hz). Wavelength, on the other hand, refers to the distance between two corresponding points on a wave, such as two peaks or two troughs. Light waves have a very high frequency range, typically ranging from trillions to quadrillions of hertz, and very short wavelengths, often ranging from nanometers to micrometers. Sound waves, on the other hand, have a lower frequency range, typically ranging from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz), with wavelengths much longer than light, ranging from meters to centimeters.

By understanding these concepts, you can compare and contrast the characteristics of light and sound to identify the differences between them. Good luck with your answers!