Two thin rectangular sheets (0.06 m 0.52 m) are identical. In the first sheet the axis of rotation lies along the 0.06 m side, and in the second it lies along the 0.52 m side. The same torque is applied to each sheet. The first sheet, starting from rest, reaches its final angular velocity in 8.5 s. How long does it take for the second sheet, starting from rest, to reach the same angular velocity?

You have to calcuate the moments of inertia for the thin sheets, or look them up.

Angular velocity= alpha*time calculate alpha for the sheet, then torque from torque= I alpha

Then work on the second sheet. I will be happy to critique your work or thinking.

To solve this problem, we need to calculate the moment of inertia for both thin rectangular sheets and use the formula for torque.

1. Calculation for the first sheet:
The axis of rotation lies along the 0.06 m side, so the moment of inertia (I) for this sheet can be calculated as follows:
I = (1/12) * m * (l^2 + w^2), where m is the mass, l is the length, and w is the width of the sheet.

Given that the dimensions of the first sheet are 0.06 m and 0.52 m, we can assume its mass as 1 kg (since it is not given). Therefore:
I1 = (1/12) * 1 kg * (0.06 m^2 + 0.52 m^2)
I1 = (1/12) * 1 kg * (0.0036 + 0.2704)
I1 = (1/12) * 1 kg * 0.274

2. Calculation for the second sheet:
The axis of rotation lies along the 0.52 m side, so the moment of inertia (I) for this sheet can be calculated as follows:
I = (1/12) * m * (l^2 + w^2)

Given that the dimensions of the second sheet are also 0.06 m and 0.52 m, we can assume its mass as 1 kg (since it is identical to the first sheet). Therefore:
I2 = (1/12) * 1 kg * (0.52 m^2 + 0.06 m^2)
I2 = (1/12) * 1 kg * (0.2704 + 0.0036)
I2 = (1/12) * 1 kg * 0.274

Now that we have calculated the moments of inertia for both sheets, let's move on to the torque calculation.

3. Calculation of torque:
Torque (τ) can be calculated using the formula:
τ = I * α
where τ is the torque, I is the moment of inertia, and α is the angular acceleration.

Since the same torque is applied to both sheets, we can equate the torques for the first and second sheets:
I1 * α1 = I2 * α2

We know the time taken by the first sheet to reach its final angular velocity (8.5 s) and its moment of inertia (I1). Using this information, we can calculate α1.

4. Calculation of α1:
We can use the formula:
α1 = (final angular velocity - initial angular velocity) / time

Since the first sheet starts from rest, the initial angular velocity is 0. Hence, we have:
α1 = (final angular velocity) / time
α1 = ω / t
α1 = ω1 / 8.5 s [ω1 is the final angular velocity for the first sheet]

Now that we have calculated α1, we can substitute it into the torque equation to find α2 for the second sheet.

5. Calculation of α2:
I1 * α1 = I2 * α2
I2 * α2 = I1 * α1
α2 = (I1 * α1) / I2

Finally, we can calculate the time taken for the second sheet (starting from rest) to reach the same angular velocity as the first sheet.

6. Calculation of time for the second sheet:
Using the formula for α2 obtained in the previous step, we can find the time required for the second sheet to reach the same angular velocity:
α2 = ω2 / t2
t2 = ω2 / α2

Substituting the values into the equation, we can calculate t2.

This approach allows us to determine how long it takes for the second sheet, starting from rest, to reach the same angular velocity as the first sheet.