The final project for CJS 200 is comprehensive, designed to outline the procedural steps of the criminal justice system. In this you incorporate your foundational knowledge, resulting from completion of discussion questions, CheckPoints, and assignments, all into a Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation. The scope of this presentation leads you through the elements of crime, police, courts, sentences and punishments, correctional facilities, and community involvement.

Your Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation needs to be 12 to 15 slides and include detailed speaker’s notes. Cite at least two references to support your statistical findings, formatted according to APA guidelines.

Just how would you like us to help you?


what do they mean by the elements? like the process that are involved?

To successfully complete your final project for CJS 200, a comprehensive Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation outlining the procedural steps of the criminal justice system, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Review your foundational knowledge: Start by reviewing all the discussion questions, CheckPoints, and assignments you have completed throughout the course. This will help you recall important concepts and information related to the elements of crime, police, courts, sentences and punishments, correctional facilities, and community involvement.

2. Create an outline: Determine the key points you want to cover in each section of your presentation. Divide your presentation into sections, following the scope provided. Each section should highlight the main concepts and include relevant statistics.

3. Research statistical findings: To support your presentation with factual data, conduct research to find statistical information related to each section. Look for credible sources such as academic journals, government reports, or reputable websites that provide relevant statistics related to the criminal justice system. Ensure that you accurately cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

4. Design your PowerPoint slides: Start creating your PowerPoint slides based on your outline. Each slide should have a clear focus and include relevant information, visuals, and statistical data. Use a consistent and visually appealing design throughout the presentation.

5. Write detailed speaker's notes: As you design each slide, write detailed speaker's notes that provide additional information and explanations about the content on each slide. These notes should be thorough and coherent so that you can effectively present the information and address any questions that may arise.

6. Incorporate citations: Remember to cite your references within the content of your presentation and provide a complete reference list at the end of your PowerPoint, formatted according to APA guidelines.

7. Review and edit: Once you have created your presentation, go through each slide carefully to ensure accuracy, coherence, and clarity. Check for grammar and spelling errors, and make necessary revisions to improve the overall quality of your presentation.

8. Practice your presentation: Before presenting, it's important to run through your presentation multiple times. Practice delivering your presentation while referring to your speaker's notes. This will help you become familiar with the content, improve your delivery, and ensure a confident and engaging presentation.

By following these steps, you will be able to complete your final project for CJS 200 successfully, meeting all the requirements provided. Good luck with your presentation!