The average depth of water at the end of a dock is 6 ft. This varies 2 ft in both directions with the ride. Suppose there is a high tide at 4 am. If the tide goes from low to high every 6 hours, write a cosine function describing the depth of the water as a function of time with t=4 corresponding to 4AM.

My work:


Ok all I need help is with finding the phase shift. I am having trouble with finding it. Please be detailed. Thanks in advance

take a look at the reply to a student having a question very similar to yours.

To find the phase shift of the cosine function, you need to identify the point at which the function starts. In this case, we know that the high tide occurs at 4 am, which corresponds to t = 4 in your cosine function equation.

The general equation for a cosine function is of the form y = A*cos(B(x-C)) + D, where:
A represents the amplitude,
B represents the period,
C represents the phase shift, and
D represents the vertical shift.

In our case, we know that y = 6 is the average depth of water at the end of the dock. Given that the tide varies 2 ft in both directions, we can determine that the amplitude A is 2.

Additionally, we are given that the tide goes from low to high every 6 hours, indicating that the period B is 6.

Now that we have the amplitude and the period, we need to find the phase shift C.

The phase shift C represents the horizontal shift (in units of x) of the wave. To determine the phase shift, we need to find the value of x at which the function starts.

In this case, since the high tide occurs at 4 am, we know that t = 4. Now, we need to convert this time to an x-value using the period of the function.

The period B = 6 represents the time it takes for the cosine function to complete one full cycle, which is 2π units. Therefore, each unit of x corresponds to a time of (period B / 2π) hours.

So, in our case, each unit of x corresponds to (6 / 2π) hours, which is approximately 0.95493 hours.

To find the phase shift, we need to determine how many units of x have passed until the function starts at t = 4 am.

Since t = 4 corresponds to 0 hours, we divide 0 by approximately 0.95493 to find the number of units of x that have passed. This gives us a phase shift C value of 0.

Therefore, the final cosine function for the depth of water as a function of time is:

y = 2*cos((π/6)*(x - 0)) + 6

Simplifying further:

y = 2*cos((π/6)*x) + 6

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to find the phase shift in a cosine function.

To find the phase shift of a cosine function, we need to determine the horizontal shift of the function compared to the standard cosine function (cos(x)).

In this case, the function is related to time t, so we want to find how much the standard cosine function has shifted horizontally with respect to time.

Given that the average depth of the water at the end of the dock occurs at 4 ft, this is the vertical axis crossing point or the maximum of the cosine function.

Since the tide goes from low to high every 6 hours and there is a high tide at 4 am (t=4), we can think of this as the peak or maximum of the cosine function at t=4.

The standard cosine function has its maximum at t=0, so we can see that the function y=2cos(x) has a phase shift of 4 hours to the right.

However, we need to express this phase shift in terms of radians since the cosine function in the formula uses radians and not hours. To convert from hours to radians, we need to consider that a full 360-degree cycle corresponds to 24 hours or 2π radians.

So, to convert the phase shift of 4 hours to radians, we use the formula:

Radians = (Hours / 24) * 2π

Radians = (4 / 24) * 2π

Radians = (1/6) * 2π

Radians = π/3

Therefore, the phase shift in radians is π/3.

Substituting this into the equation, the function describing the depth of water as a function of time is:

y = 2cos((π/6)(t - π/3)) + 6