I need to write 5 hinky pinkies (don't need # of syllables), but can't think of anything...


All I need are some tips to help me.

Please hurry!


Let us know what you come up with.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you come up with some hinky pinkies! Hinky pinkies are word riddles or puzzles where the answer consists of two rhyming words or phrases. Here's a method you can follow to come up with your own hinky pinkies:

1. Identify the desired answer: Think about the word or concept you want to create a hinky pinky for. For example, let's say you want to create a hinky pinky for "cat."

2. Define the clue: Come up with a clue for your desired answer that can be divided into two parts, where each part rhymes. For instance, you could use the clue "feline pet."

3. Determine the rhyming words: Split your clue into two words or phrases that rhyme with each other. In this case, you could use "kitty" and "petty" as your rhyming words.

4. Verify the solution: Confirm that your rhyming words indeed align with your clue and make sense. In this example, "kitty petty" is a valid hinky pinky for the clue "feline pet."

Now that you know the process, let's generate five hinky pinkies for you:

1. Clue: Pig's home.
Rhyming words: Sty, high.

2. Clue: Refreshing drink.
Rhyming words: Slurp, burp.

3. Clue: Spooky sounds.
Rhyming words: Boo, coo.

4. Clue: Soft nightwear.
Rhyming words: PJs, haze.

5. Clue: Quick insect.
Rhyming words: Flea, zip.

Using this method, you can create countless hinky pinkies! Just remember to think of a clue, find rhyming words, and ensure they match the clue's meaning. Good luck!