For stable interference to occur, the phase difference must be


~ incoherent
~ monochromatic.
~ 1/2 (wavelength)
~ constant.

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Sorry, never mind; I figured it out.

For stable interference to occur, the phase difference must be constant.

Interference is the phenomenon that occurs when two or more waves meet and combine. The resulting interference pattern depends on the phase difference between the waves. The phase difference measures the fraction of a wavelength by which one wave is ahead or behind the other.

If the phase difference between the waves is constant, it means that the waves maintain a fixed relationship as they interfere. This results in a stable interference pattern, where the crests and troughs of the waves consistently line up and produce constructive or destructive interference.

On the other hand, if the phase difference is not constant, the interference becomes incoherent. Incoherent interference occurs when the waves have an inconsistent phase relationship, making it impossible to predict the resulting interference pattern.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is that for stable interference to occur, the phase difference must be constant.