look at this other chart- 36 of 200 cat owners prefer human food only, 116 out 0f 200 perfer pet food only,48 out of 200 pet owners perfer human and pet food

so what percent of cat owners repoter that their cats liked either human food or pet food only. Write the percent as a fraction and a decimal also

Follow the solution to your previous problem. You should be able to work a similar problem after we show you how to solve the first one.

To determine the percentage of cat owners who report that their cats prefer either human food or pet food only, we need to add the number of cat owners who prefer human food only and the number of cat owners who prefer pet food only.

According to the given data, there are 36 out of 200 cat owners who prefer human food only and 116 out of 200 cat owners who prefer pet food only. Therefore, the total number of cat owners who prefer either human food or pet food only is 36 + 116 = 152.

To express this as a fraction, we divide the total number of cat owners who prefer either human food or pet food only by the total number of cat owners, which is 200:

Fraction: 152/200

To express this as a decimal, we divide the numerator (152) by the denominator (200):

Decimal: 0.76

So, the percentage of cat owners who report that their cats like either human food or pet food only is 76%.