How might one separate a mixture of water and salt?

A solution of water and salt may be separated, if you don't want the water, by allowing the water to evaporate which will leave the salt crystals behind. If you want the water AND the salt, you may separate them by distillation. The water may be distilled and condensed into a separate container and the salt will be left in the boiling pot. I hope this helps.

What is the molarity of a solution that consists of 6.2 moles of salt and 30.5 L of water

Yes, that's correct! There are indeed two common methods to separate a mixture of water and salt: evaporation and distillation.

1. Evaporation: This method is suitable if you only want to separate the salt from the water. Here's how you can do it:
- Pour the mixture of water and salt into a container.
- Place the container in a warm environment, such as near a window or under a heat source.
- Leave it undisturbed and allow the water to evaporate.
- As the water evaporates, it will leave behind the salt crystals in the container.

2. Distillation: This method is suitable if you want to separate the water from the salt while keeping both components. Here's how you can do it:
- Pour the mixture of water and salt into a distillation flask.
- Connect the flask to a condenser, which is a long tube that allows vapor to cool and condense back into liquid.
- Heat the distillation flask, typically using a Bunsen burner or hot plate.
- As the mixture heats up, the water will turn into vapor and rise up through the condenser.
- The vapor will then cool down in the condenser and condense back into liquid form, collecting in a separate container.
- Meanwhile, the salt will remain in the distillation flask, as it has a higher boiling point than water.

By using the process of distillation, you can separate the water and salt, with the water condensing in a separate container and the salt remaining in the distillation flask.