
4/x^7 by 12/x^5

I got this far but Got lost can some help me

I know the 4 and the 12 will go down to 1 and 3 but what am I suppose to do with the x^5 and x^7

Right. The 4/12 reduces to 1/3.
X5/X7 = 1/X2. So the answer is 1/3X2.

Hi. I think this is correct. So, once you get to the point where you have (4 / x^7) * (x^5 / 12), the 4 and the 12 does reduce to 1 / 3. You are then left with (1 * x^5) / (3 * x^7). By the rules of exponents, when you divide you subtract them. So you end up with 1/3x^2. The x^2 is on the bottom because that's where the term with the largest exponent was.

Hope that helped you!

To divide rational expressions, you need to follow these steps:

1. Factor both the numerator and denominator of each expression, if possible.
2. Determine the common factors between the numerators and denominators.
3. Divide the common factors (reduce) both in the numerator and denominator.
4. Multiply the remaining factors in the numerator.
5. Multiply the remaining factors in the denominator.

In your case, you are dividing (4 / x^7) by (12 / x^5). Let's follow the steps:

1. The numerator of the first expression, 4, doesn't have any factors to factorize. The denominator, x^7, is already in its simplest form.
2. The numerator of the second expression, 12, can be factored into 4*3. The denominator, x^5, is already in its simplest form.
3. There are no common factors between the numerators, but x^5 is a common factor between the denominators.
4. Dividing the common factors, we get (4 / x^7) * (1 / 3).
5. Multiply the remaining factors in the numerator: 4 * 1 = 4.
6. Multiply the remaining factors in the denominator: x^7 * 3 = 3x^7.

So, the simplified expression is 4 / (3x^7).

Please let me know if you need any further assistance!