is this correct?

"Por que no vive su padre con Uds.?" "Porque nuestros padres _____."
a. estan muertos
b. estan casados
c. estan divorciados
d. estan solteros

C? --are divorced



Yes, you are correct. The answer to the question "Por que no vive su padre con Uds.?" is "Porque nuestros padres están divorciados." The correct answer is C, "están divorciados." To arrive at this answer, you have to understand the meaning of the question and the given options.

The question is asking why the person's father does not live with them. In order to answer this, we need to consider the given options: a. están muertos (are dead), b. están casados (are married), c. están divorciados (are divorced), and d. están solteros (are single).

To choose the correct answer, we need to eliminate the options that do not match the given situation. We can eliminate options a (están muertos) and d (están solteros) because they do not explain why the father does not live with them.

Option b (están casados) also does not fit because it implies that the parents are still married, which does not explain why the father does not live with them.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. están divorciados (are divorced), which explains that the parents are no longer together and, as a result, the father does not live with them.