Tú no necesitas estar nerviosa, porque tù conoces este material. Hacer presentaciòn en ìngles o tendràs un traductor te ayuda presentaciòn en inglés o tener un traductor que te ayuda.

Si tu relajas, será fácil. Ellos te escogieron por una razón; eres inteligente.

IS THIS correct - not sure if i got the sentence with hacer correct thanks

porque tù conoces = the first Tú is find but the accent goes the wrong way on this one! = tú

Hacer presentaciòn = You left the main verb out on this: Tienes que pacer la presentaci´øn en inglés (accent) ...o tendrás (accent going wrong way) un traductor que te ayuda. Drop all the rest. You recopied extra!

Do you need glasses? I only ask because you miss so much of the correction.


This scanning up and down, up and down between what you wrote and what I am writing, drives my eyes wild. They refuse to focus!

Tienes que pacer la presentaci´øn en inglés (accent) = OK that is what is wrong; here is what is right:

Tienes que hacer la presentación en inglés. The parentheses AFTER the word inglés, meant that you forgot the accent mark on your ingles.

Feel free to try one last proofreading?


The sentence you provided is not grammatically correct. It seems like you are trying to say "Doing a presentation in English or having a translator to help you with the presentation." To make it grammatically correct, you can say "Hacer una presentación en inglés o tener un traductor que te ayude con la presentación", which means "Doing a presentation in English or having a translator to help you with the presentation."