A math class has 25 students. There are 13 students who are only in the band, 4 students who are only on the swimming team, and 5 students who are in both groups. How many students are not in either group?

I think it's 3 students?

Yes, 3 seems right



To find the number of students who are not in either group, you need to subtract the total number of students in both groups from the total number of students in the class.

First, let's find the total number of students in both groups. We know that there are 13 students who are only in the band, 4 students who are only on the swimming team, and 5 students who are in both groups.

To find the total number of students in both groups, we add the number of students in the band (13) and the number of students on the swimming team (4), and then subtract the number of students who are in both groups (5).

13 + 4 - 5 = 12

So, there are 12 students who are in either the band or the swimming team, or both.

To find the number of students who are not in either group, we subtract the number of students in both groups (12) from the total number of students in the class (25).

25 - 12 = 13

Therefore, there are 13 students who are not in either group.