why is H+ a proton

h+ would be a proton because it has a positive electric charge,just as all protons have to be positive.
im just beginning to stdy this so take my answer and search it before you write anything down, but im pretty sure its right.

Yeah, you are right. Anything that has a plus(positive) sign would be a proton. Anything with a minus(negative) sign would be an electron.
Anything without a sign is probably a neutron(neither pos. nor neg.)

Another way to look at it is that a H atom consists of a proton for a nucleus with an electron in its outer shell. When the electron is pulled away, that leaves the proton by itself so that is a H^+.

H+ is a proton because in the hydrogen atom, the atomic nucleus consists of a single proton. When a hydrogen atom loses its electron, it becomes a positively charged ion, referred to as H+. This is because the atom now only has a single proton left in its nucleus. Protons carry a positive electric charge, so the presence of a single proton without any electrons results in the formation of H+, which is essentially a proton.

Yes, you are correct. A hydrogen ion, often written as H+, is essentially a hydrogen atom that has lost its only electron. This leaves behind a single proton in the nucleus, which is why H+ is referred to as a proton. The positive charge comes from the fact that the proton has a positive electric charge. So, H+ and a proton are essentially the same thing.