how do you say "subject" in french? I think there's one way to say it that starts with an m?


is there another way?


yeah, that's the one! i remember now thanks

Don't forget the necessary accent!

la matière

Sra (aka Mme)

P.S. Yes, the word for subject is "le sujet" unless you mean "school subject" for then it is la matière.


To say "subject" in French, you can use the word "sujet." However, if you are thinking of a word that starts with an "m," then the word you are referring to is probably "matière." In French, "matière" can also mean "subject" when referring to a school or academic subject.

To find the translation of words in different languages, you can use online translation tools such as Google Translate, Linguee, or WordReference. These tools provide translations and sometimes give alternative words or phrases that could be relevant. Additionally, using language-learning resources like textbooks or dictionaries can help you expand your vocabulary and find the precise translation you are looking for.