This isn't a homework question, just a general school question. There has been several cases of swine flu in my county. Do you think the government should close our school? If my school would stay open, should we continue having swimming class in gym? I just think swimming classes at this point are not a good idea, but what do you think? Thanks.

I think you are asking the wrong people. So far, swine flu has been less than a dramatic epidemic.

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As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide you with some guidance on how to approach this situation.

Determining whether or not schools should be closed due to swine flu (or any other contagious illness) is a decision made by health authorities and the government based on several factors. It's important to follow the advice and guidelines provided by local health officials and your school administration.

To get an answer regarding the closure of your school, here are the steps you can take:

1. Stay informed: Keep up to date with the latest information from reliable sources such as your local health department, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and World Health Organization (WHO). They will provide guidance on the necessary precautions in response to swine flu cases in your area.

2. Communicate with your school administration: Reach out to your school administration to inquire about their plans and policies related to swine flu cases. They will have the most accurate information regarding closures or adjustments to school activities.

Regarding swimming class in gym, here's what you can consider:

1. High-risk activities: Swimming can be considered a high-risk activity during a contagious disease outbreak. This is because it involves close contact with other individuals and the sharing of equipment.

2. Consult guidelines: Refer to the guidelines provided by health authorities. They will provide advice on whether specific activities, such as swimming, should be continued or suspended during an outbreak.

3. Trust the judgment of authorities: The decisions made by health authorities and the school administration are based on experts' knowledge and research. Trust their judgment and recommendations regarding the safety of swimming class.

Remember, it's essential to prioritize your health and the well-being of others during an outbreak. Stay informed and follow the instructions provided by authorized sources for the most accurate and up-to-date information.