is this correct?

"Cuando eras niña, ¿dónde trabajan tus padres?" "Mis padres _____ profesores en una universidad."
a. eran
b. iban
c. trabajaban
d. hacían



You need "ser" for "My parents were professors..." = eran

Now, my parents worked AS professors = mis padres trabajaban como profesores...


Yes, you are correct. The correct answer is C - "trabajaban".

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and analyze the options:

The question asks, "When you were a child, where did your parents work?" This implies that the action of working was ongoing in the past, so we need to use the imperfect past tense in Spanish.

Let's review the options:
a. "eran" means "they were", which doesn't make sense in this context because it doesn't refer to the action of working.
b. "iban" means "they went", which also doesn't make sense in this context because it doesn't refer to the action of working.
c. "trabajaban" means "they worked" and matches the ongoing action of working in the past, so this option is correct.
d. "hacían" means "they did/made", which doesn't convey the meaning of working.

Therefore, the correct answer is C - "trabajaban". Well done!