Can someone please check my work?

Write a short paragraph about your weekend plans. Describe four things that you are going to do and two things you are not going to do.

Dans le week-end, je vais utiliser l'ordinateur. Aussi je vais jouer au basketball. Je vais écouter de la musique. Et je vais pour se détendre.
Mais je ne vais pas chanter. Aussi je ne vais pas danser.

Write sentences using aller + infinitive.

1. Nous allons fair une promenade à voiture.

2. Vous allez jouer au tennis.

3. tu vas jouer au basketball.

4. Sylvie va nager.

5. M. et Mme Dumaine vont diner au restaurant.

Construct sentences using etre, avoir, aller.

1. Tu es sur le court. Tu as une raquette. Tu vas faire un match.

2. Je suis à la bibliothèque. J'ai des livres. Je vais étudier.

3. Les amis sont au salon. Elles ont une télé. Elles vont regarder un film.

4. Nous sommes à la maison. Nous avaons une chaine hi-fi. Nous allons écouter des CD.

5. Vous etes au café. vous avez 20 euros. Vous allez aller dans les magasins.

If there are any mistakes, please tell me so I can correct them.

Merci Beaucoup!

Dans le week-end = you do not need "Dans" because "Le weekend" means "on the weekend."

je vais pour se détendre = I am going in order to stop oneself? Without any English to know what you are trying to say, I'm at a loss here.

1. Check spelling, Nous allons fair = faire

3. tu vas = Just as in English, capitalize the first word of a sentence = Tu vas

5. accent circonflexe, vont diner = dîner

Also on être:

4. Nous avaons une chaine = Nous avons and chaîne (accent circonflexe)

5. Vous etes = êtes / vous avez = Vous avez

Sra (aka Mme)

Let's check your work:

1. In your paragraph about your weekend plans, you correctly described four things you are going to do: utiliser l'ordinateur (use the computer), jouer au basketball (play basketball), écouter de la musique (listen to music), and se détendre (relax). Well done!

You also correctly mentioned two things you are not going to do: chanter (sing) and danser (dance). Great job overall!

2. In your sentences using "aller + infinitive," some corrections are needed:

- Sentence 1: Instead of "fair," it should be "faire." The correct sentence is "Nous allons faire une promenade en voiture." (We are going to take a car ride.)

- Sentence 2: It is grammatically correct. "Vous allez jouer au tennis." (You are going to play tennis.)

- Sentence 3: It is grammatically correct. "Tu vas jouer au basketball." (You are going to play basketball.)

- Sentence 4: It is grammatically correct. "Sylvie va nager." (Sylvie is going to swim.)

- Sentence 5: Instead of "diner," it should be "dîner." The correct sentence is "M. et Mme Dumaine vont dîner au restaurant." (Mr. and Mrs. Dumaine are going to have dinner at the restaurant.)

3. In your sentences using "être," "avoir," and "aller," some corrections are needed:

- Sentence 1: Instead of "fair," it should be "faire." The correct sentence is "Tu es sur le court. Tu as une raquette. Tu vas faire un match." (You are on the court. You have a racket. You are going to play a match.)

- Sentence 2: It is grammatically correct. "Je suis à la bibliothèque. J'ai des livres. Je vais étudier." (I am at the library. I have some books. I am going to study.)

- Sentence 3: Instead of "au salon," it should be "au salon de beauté" or "chez elles." The correct sentence could be "Les amies sont au salon de beauté. Elles ont une télé. Elles vont regarder un film." (The friends are at the beauty salon. They have a TV. They are going to watch a movie.)

- Sentence 4: Instead of "avaons," it should be "avons." The correct sentence is "Nous sommes à la maison. Nous avons une chaîne hi-fi. Nous allons écouter des CD." (We are at home. We have a hifi system. We are going to listen to CDs.)

- Sentence 5: Instead of "café," it should be "restaurant" or "bar." The correct sentence could be "Vous êtes au restaurant. Vous avez 20 euros. Vous allez aller dans les magasins." (You are at the restaurant. You have 20 euros. You are going to go shopping.)

Overall, your work is quite good, but there are a few minor mistakes. Now that you know the corrections, feel free to update your sentences. Keep up the good work!