Water had the lowest bp of 100C b/c it has no solute to block the movement which cause to have a lower bp when heated. Water with a solute of sugar has a slightly higher bp of 101C because it has a solute o block off some of the waters movement to the top. Water and salt had the highest bp of 102C. Since salt is an ionic comp it has a higher bp because it is held more trogly together than molecular comp. adding more additonal solute will cause the bp to rise even higher cause it increases the molarity of the solution.

is that somewhat right? That is what i wrote for my conclusion in my lab report.

bp = boiling point

Somewhat I guess but barely. Instead of talking about movement of the molecules (which in some cases could be construed as being correct), I would rather you talk about the interaction between the solvent molecules and the solute. In the case of sugar, the attraction between the sugar molecules and the water molecules hinders the water molecules from leaving the liquid phase into the vapor phase; therefore, the boiling point must be slightly higher to overcome this attractive force. In the case of NaCl, that ionizes into two particles so there are more attractions (mole for mole) than in a non-ionized solute like sugar, so the effect of NaCl on the boiling point of water is about twice as much (twice the number of particles). Then pure water has no such attractions from a solute and it has the normal boiling point of 100. Actually, it would flow better if the last sentence was reworked and place at the beginning to set the stage for what the normal boiling point is.

Your explanation touches on some important concepts, but there are a few inaccuracies that need to be addressed.

Boiling point (bp) is the temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas. It is determined by the vapor pressure of the liquid at a given temperature. The presence of solutes can affect the boiling point of a liquid, but the explanation needs to be clarified.

Water has a boiling point of 100°C because at this temperature, the vapor pressure of water equals the atmospheric pressure. When you add a solute, such as sugar or salt, to water, it disrupts the intermolecular forces between water molecules. This makes it more difficult for the water molecules to escape into the vapor phase, therefore requiring a higher temperature for the vapor pressure to equal atmospheric pressure.

In the case of sugar, it forms hydrogen bonds with water molecules, reducing the movement of water molecules and requiring a slightly higher temperature for boiling (101°C).

Salt, being an ionic compound, dissociates into ions in water. These ions disrupt the intermolecular forces between water molecules even more strongly than sugar, requiring an even higher temperature for boiling (approximately 102°C).

However, adding additional solute does not necessarily cause the boiling point to rise further. The boiling point elevation is determined by the concentration of solute particles rather than the volume or mass of the solute. This is governed by a colligative property called molality, which relates the number of solute particles to the mass of the solvent.

To summarize your conclusion, you can say that the presence of solutes, such as sugar and salt, increases the boiling point of water. Sugar slightly elevates the boiling point due to the formation of hydrogen bonds with water molecules, while salt significantly raises the boiling point due to the strong disruption of intermolecular forces caused by its ionic nature. However, the boiling point elevation does not continue to increase with the addition of more solute, as it is determined by the concentration of solute particles rather than the total amount of solute added.