What do snakes eat?

What kind of snakes?

Snakes in general. What do all snakes eat (in common)?

Snakes are carnivores and they predominantly eat other animals. The specific diet of a snake depends on its species, size, and habitat. While some snakes consume small mammals, others prefer birds, eggs, fish, amphibians, or reptiles. There are also specialized species that primarily feed on insects, spiders, or even other snakes. For example, constrictor snakes like pythons and boas wrap around their prey and suffocate them, while venomous snakes such as cobras and vipers inject venom into their prey to immobilize or kill them.

If you want to know what a specific species of snake eats, it's important to research that particular species. Field guides, scientific articles, or reputable websites dedicated to snakes and herpetology could provide detailed information about a snake's diet. Additionally, observing the natural behavior of snakes in their natural habitats, such as through documentaries or wildlife shows, can offer insight into their feeding habits.