you told me the meaning for thsi one

"¿Qué _____ tú esta mañana?" "Me levanté, me bañe y me cepillé los dientes

is the answer tuviste?
or hiciste?

Not what did you have = tuviste BUT

What did you DO = hiciste


The correct answer for the blank in the sentence "¿Qué ______ tú esta mañana?" is "hiciste." The sentence is asking "What did you do this morning?" In order to determine the correct answer, we need to look at the context of the sentence and the verb conjugation.

In the sentence, "hiciste" is the correct verb conjugation for the pronoun "tú" in the past tense. The verb "hacer" means "to do" or "to make." We can see that the person is describing their morning routine, which involves different actions like getting up, showering, and brushing their teeth. So, the correct word to fill in the blank is "hiciste" because it means "did" in Spanish.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to have a good understanding of verb conjugation and the meaning of different verbs. In this case, knowing how to conjugate the verb "hacer" in the "tú" form in the past tense to match the sentence structure is crucial. Additionally, being familiar with common morning activities and vocabulary in Spanish helps in understanding the context of the question.