I think the order goes like this:

1. math,science, and literature
2. trade and commerse
3. division of labour (jobs)
4. technology
what do u think
if the order is wrong can show me put it right
please and thank you

If this is for the industrial revolution, why did you put math, science, and literature first???

From the perspective of the general society, then trade and commerce would come first.

From the perspective of the workers, then division of labor is first.

From the perspective of the company owners, then technology may be first.

The agricultural revolution made us stop chasing our food because we started farming and it gave us free time. Now our free time helped us think of what we will do tomorrow. So which came after and so on.

your choices:
math,science, and literature
trade and commerse
division of labour (jobs)

please help and thank you

It seems like you're trying to understand the order of certain aspects of human development. While there isn't a universally agreed-upon order, I can provide some insights based on historical and sociological perspectives. It's important to note that the development of different aspects can vary across cultures and time periods. However, I'll rearrange the order you provided based on a common understanding:

1. Division of labor (jobs): The division of labor, or the specialization of tasks within a society, is often considered one of the earliest developments. As human societies evolved, people realized that by focusing on specific tasks, they could become more efficient and productive.

2. Technology: Technological advancements have played a significant role in shaping human societies. Innovations such as the wheel, agriculture, writing systems, and later, more advanced technologies like the printing press, steam engine, and computers, have had a profound impact on how we live, work, and communicate.

3. Trade and commerce: Trade and commerce emerged as a means of exchanging goods and services between different groups or societies. As societies developed specialization through the division of labor, they often needed to trade with others to obtain resources or products they didn't have. This led to the establishment of trade routes, markets, and eventually, complex economic systems.

4. Math, science, and literature: While these fields have been important throughout human history, their significant development often occurred alongside or after the aforementioned aspects. Mathematics and science have been crucial for understanding the world and advancing technology. Literature, on the other hand, emerged as a means to express ideas, preserve cultural knowledge, and entertain.

Remember, this is just one possible rearrangement, and there are different perspectives on the order of these developments. Consider consulting historical sources or textbooks for more in-depth information.